Monday, March 21, 2011

Uninor free SMS(Message) Trick

Send IP to 33668.
Balance Less than 0.30 Rs.
Activation in 48 hours...........

Idea Hack – Reduce your Local Call Rate to 10ps

This is an Exclusive Trick which may not live longer. Make sure that you are making use of this as soon as possible.
Using this tricks, an Idea Prepaid use will be able to reduce his/her Local call charge to 10ps/Min.
eg: *191*9947xxxxxx#
Enjoy the Hack!

Idea Manual GPRS Settings

Latest Idea Manual GPRS Settings is Up Here! It seems to be a 100% working hack this time. Only thing you have to do is to enter this settings to your Mobile and Wait for sometimes. After that.. Get Started Using GPRS!
  • Homepage –
  • Account Name – idea_GPRS
  • Username – leave Blank
  • Password – leave Blank
  • Databearer – GPRS / Packetdata
  • Acces Point Name – imis
  • Proxy – Enabled/yes
  • Authentication Type – Normal
  • Proxy and Server Port – 8080
  • Proxy and Server adress –
This Settings is widely used and popular in South India. Most of the us who tried this got positive response.Thus, this settings is known as a Working Technique. don’t miss the chance now. Go and give a try for it.
BTW If you’re from North India, There maybe some problems in using this Manual GPRS Settings. Please forgive. I recommend you to checkout some other Articles by Nupsout. This trick is not as usual liek other Manual GPRS Settings provided by other Mobile Hack Blogs/Websites.
After trying, Don’t forget to share it with your Buddies.

MTNL India Free GPRS Settings

This trick currently appears working for Delhi People only. Anyway, it’s worth making a try. MTNL Tricks are very rare in the Internet World. This trick is also too rare and worth using. Although this trick is now working only in Delhi, I will post Tricks of more locations soon.
IP Address Gateway:
Port no: 9201
CSD: 17911
User IDor username: mtnl
Password: mtnl123
Access Point Name: gprsmtnldel
Homepage :

NOKIA Field Test Group / Display codes

Activation of Net Monitor menu through NAM already discussed in NOKIA post.( by keying *3001#12345# -> Field Test -> Enable -> Switch off and on )

The index is shown on the top left corner of the display. Ex: If display01 in group 31 should be activated enter 3101 in the prompt.

The only way to deactivate the Field Test Display is to clear theGroup/display: prompt in the Net monitor menu and enter a zero orsimply enter 0000 and confirm the input by pressing OK.

There are three Field Test Display modes:
• execute mode • data display mode • help mode

While in data display mode, the field test data (e.g. carrier, powerlevel, cell) are visible on the main display.

While in help mode, one screen of instructions is shown for eachtest to make it easier to indentify the test in question. To togglebetween these two modes, press and hold the * key.

Available test codes for NOKIA CDMA
3101 to 3116
3201 to 3213
3301 to 3308
3401 to 3403
3501 to 3502
3601 to 3623
6101 to 6113
6201 to 6204, 6207
6301 to 6313,
6330 to 6399
6501 to 6503
6601, 6602
6801, 6802

Use arrow keys to run next test.

Sony Ericsson Secret Menu

-> * <- <- * <- * ( means right arrow key * left arrow key 2 times * left arrow * )

You'll see phone model, software info, IMEI, configuration info, sim lock status, REAL time clock, total call time and text labels.
You can also test your phones services and hardware from this menu (main display, camera, LED/illumination, Flash LED, keyboard, earphone, speaker, microphone, radio and vibrator tests)

IMEI Number: *#06#
Lockstatus: <- * * <-
Shortcut to last dialed numbers: 0#
Shortcut to sim numbers: On main menu type a number and press #

Internet with TATA indicom (india)

Win 9x/ME/XP:

--> Install Cable/bluetooth & phone modem drivers properly.
--> Create Dialup connection with following details..

Username : internet
Password : internet
Phone : #777 or 172226


Contents of /etc/wvdial.conf file:

Modem = /dev/input/ttyXYZ
Baud = 115200
SetVolume = 0
Dial Command = ATDT
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT+CRM=1
FlowControl = Hardware (CRTSCTS)
[Dialer cdma]
Username = internet
Password = internet
Phone = #777
Stupid Mode = 1
Inherits = Modem0

Free more RAM on your phone

>>> Method 1: Flight mode: Put your phone in "Flight
mode" with Psiloc System
Tools. Install System Tools,
open it and select "Flight
mode". This way you can
restart the phone without your SIM card so there will be
no running phone tasks in the
background. Now you can
have up to 3,5 MB of free
RAM! Note: ironically enough, Flight
mode doesn't work when
Smart Launcher is installed, at
least in my case.
But i've also heard several
reports of people who have both apps running without
any problems. >>> Method 2: Smart
Launcher trick: Install Smart Launcher and
open it. Go to Options, Settings
and put Launcher ON.
Now plug in your charger and
switch off your phone. Wait
until the battery meter appears and short press the
Menu button (don't hold).
The menu should appear and
now you can have 3,5 to 4,5
MB free RAM! (Hold Menu
button to check RAM). The trick is that with the
charger plugged in, the phone
must get a minimum
software support for
charging, even when
the phone is switched off. And somehow Smart
Launcher has still got it's
shortcut running and that's
the Menu button. So when
you press the Menu button,
you go directly to the Menu without any other phone
tasks running in the
background so
you trick the phone and you
have more free RAM!
Note: when you unplug the charger, the phone will switch
off. >>> Method 3: Menu : it frees a little about 100~200
KB but I guess it's useful
sometime Close your menu not by
selecting the right selection
key "exit", or pressing the
menu key another time, they
only hide the menu app but
do not close it, to close it select the left selection key "option"
and scroll down and select
"exit" So when you open an app
needs more ram reopen menu
and close it, it's useful when
play low bit rate video in real
player paradise.

Make Free Calls to anywhere in the world

(mobile or landline) --> Install any of the
Gizmo project.... from http:// Skype.... from
http:// Globe7.... from http:// then dial
18003733411 and follow the instructions...
Its free no balance required to
call to this number... for details.. . visit http://

Internet with Reliance (india)

Win9x/ME/XP: --> Install Cable/bluetooth &
phone modem drivers
--> Create Dialup connection
with following details.. Username :
Password :
Phone : #777 Unix/Linux: These are fixed WLL phones.
First, have a look at this link:
In the above article, substitute
the following as contents of /
etc/wvdial.conf file: Code:
Modem = /dev/input/ttyXYZ
Baud = 115200
SetVolume = 0
Dial Command = ATDT Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT+CRM=1
FlowControl = Hardware
[Dialer cdma]
Username = your_phone_number
Password =
Phone = #777
Stupid Mode = 1
Inherits = Modem0

Hide unwanted images from gallery

.Hiding these images is
extremely simple and can be
done for free with my
favorite freeware browser - Y-Browser First open Y-browser and
select [options] -> [search
files]. Now in the "Filename" field, input a picture title
followed by ".*" as pictured below (since you don 't know what format
the picture is).
Then select [Options] -> [Start
search]. You do not need to do
this if you know the
directory where the images
are stored of course. Once you have found your file
in the list of search results,
highlight it and select
[Options] -> [File] ->
[Attributes]. Now simply change "System " and "Hidden" to yes and
select [Save]. repeat same for all files you
want to be hide. and finally restart the phone.

Archive all your SMS messages on the Gmail account

save your phone memory
archive sms Psiloc GSync allows you to
automatically archive all your
SMS messages on the Gmail ™ account. The SMS messages
appear as e-mails, are marked
as read and labelled as SMS.
Messages exchanged with
same people are grouped into
threads. You can configure how often messages are

Increase Font Size On Nokia E50

You 'll need a memory card and a file manager (e.g. Y-
Browser or ActiveFile). 1. Open your file manager and
navigate to Z:\resource\Fonts 2. Check the names of the files
(these are the fonts that are
actually used); they have
extension .ttf and most likely
they are nosnr60.ttf,
nssb60.ttf, nstsb60.ttf and S60ZDIGI.ttf; write them
down, you 'll need them later 3. On your memory card
create a folder called resource
and inside it a folder called
Fonts 4. Copy the new fonts to the
Fonts folder on your memory
card (there are numerous
fonts available on the internet
for free; try a few of them,
experiment and see which fits the best) 5. Rename them in the
following order: – nosnr60.ttf regular (normal) font – nssb60.ttf bold
font – nstsb60.ttf font for titles Note: if your font files have
different names rename them
accordingly. Font names on
your memory card must
match those on phone
memory in Z:\resource\Fonts. 6. Reboot the phone If you want to switch back to
the default font simply erase
the whole resource folder
from your memory card. If
you take your memory card
out of the phone the default font will be used. A Software can also increases
font sizes use it for any s60... Software: Font Magnifier
avialable at: http://