Thursday, March 24, 2011

Configure your Mailbox in your Symbian Phone

This tutorial will show you How to setup the Email
mailbox on your Symbian phone and configure it to use
your Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail
account. If you want to send or
receive email on your
Symbian phone, you can
either use the web browser
built in, or you can use the
default email mailbox. You can also use third party
software like Profimail if you
wish to. However, the second
option is the easiest to use and
also makes it easier for you to
access your SMSes and Email from one place. To setup your Mailbox, just go
to Messages > Options > Settings >
Email. Click Options and create a New
Mailbox. Select the type
IMAP4 / POP3 and proceed.
Enter your email address and
click Next. Next enter your
Incoming Mail server and Outgoing Mail server. Select a
default access point to use and
then give your mailbox a
name. When you are done with the
above settings, just select the
mailbox you just created and
go to Options > Edit >
Connection Settings. GMAIL POP3 SETTINGS: In Incoming Mail, User Name:
username Password: password Incoming Mail server: Mailbox Type: POP3 Security: SSL / TLS Port: 995 In
Outgoing Mail, Email Address: User Name: username
Password: password Outgoing Mail server: Security: Start TLS Port: 465 GMAIL IMAP4 SETTINGS: In
Incoming Mail, User Name: username Password: password Incoming Mail
server: Mailbox Type: IMAP4 Security: SSL / TLS Port: 993 In
Outgoing Mail, Email Address: User Name: username
Password: password Outgoing Mail server: Security: Start TLS Port: 465 These are the settings for
Gmail. Remember to first
enable POP/IMAP 4 on your
account. You can also
configure Yahoo and Hotmail
is a similar manner if you have POP3/IMAP4 enabled on your
account. You can also use the
bundled Nokia Settings Wizard for configuring your
Email client. But in case, your
host isn't supported by the
Settings Wizard, you will
have to do it manually as
detailed above. To access your mail, just go to Messaging >
Select Mailbox > Retrieve EMAIL..........